What's an ANC?
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are residents elected to engage government agencies on hyper-local issues that affect their neighborhoods, such as zoning, transportation, and social services. The DC government is required to give “great weight” to ANC recommendations. District agencies may not always do what your ANC suggests but they at least have to listen! That means it is important to elect an active, responsive Commissioner who will communicate your views on topics that impact the neighborhood.
Safe Streets
Dangerous driving has increased since the beginning of the pandemic. In 2021, there were 40 traffic fatalities across the District, the deadliest year since 2007. I currently serve as a resident member on our ANC’s transportation committee and am committed to making our streets safer for everyone who walks, bikes, or drives in our neighborhood. As your commissioner I will:
Pass resolutions in favor of infrastructure changes to make Vision Zero a reality
Submit Traffic Safety Investigation (TSI) requests for dangerous intersections in our district
Testify before the DC Council in support of legislation to make our streets safer, such as the Walk Without Worry Act and the Safe Routes to School Act
Affordable Housing
Hill East has seen significant development in recent years, bringing with it new amenities like the Roost. However, like most of DC, our neighborhood is getting more expensive for new arrivals and long-time residents alike. As your commissioner I will:
Support strong affordable housing requirements for planned unit developments in the neighborhood
Contribute to discussions about new development at RFK and Reservation 13
Advocate for redevelopment of the Southeast Boulevard to improve river access for Hill East residents and increase opportunity for housing on unused land
Community Engagement
The most important job of an ANC is to listen. If elected, I’ll need your help to catch potholes that need to be filled, trash that hasn’t been collected, and abandoned cars that need to be towed. As your commissioner I will:
Respond promptly to all constituent requests and share opportunities to provide input on neighborhood projects
Submit regular 311 requests for service within the district
Organize quarterly neighborhood cleanups and other activities to better our community